Information Product Empire
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Whatever you’re looking for, whatever you can imagine, you can find information about it on the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.People want to know who, what, where, when, why, how–NOW. And if you can learn to supply the demand, you can make money. Perhaps A LOT of money.

Here are a few examples of people who turned their knowledge into cash with information products:

Done For You Fat Loss Meal Programs

A busy personal trainer – who didn’t think he had the time or energy to eat a balanced diet and described himself as a fitness “fraud” – took the proverbial “bull by the horns” and got his diet under control.  Within a matter of days he felt better and had more energy, and suddenly those extra pounds he’d packed on started melting away like ice cream on a hot day.  He decided to share his tips with the world and makes more money with this than he ever did doing one-on-one personal training.

Registry Easy

Slow computer?  Need to reboot all the time?  Don’t spend hundreds to repair – just download this registry software and clean thing up.  So says the man behind this software company, who turned his teenage geek time into big bucks online.  Hmm – how did you spend your teenage years again?  And could you profit from it now?

Get Paid to Draw

Like to draw or have take pictures?  So does this guy.  But he’s no “starving artist.”  He learned how to harness the power of the internet to get others to buy his drawings, and makes TONS of money from his talent.  He also makes a TON of money showing others where and how to sell their drawings and photographs online.

See the diversity

If you have some experience or success at something, YOU can make money teaching others what you know.  Here’s are some ways you can create and use information products:

As a Profit Center

Write about something you know and sell it through direct mail, from your own website or from many of the information product sites around the web. Here’s a great example of information brokering.

As a Lead Generation Tool

Whether you’re selling condos in Aspen, baby grand pianos, or marketing an MLM, information products build rapport and establish expertise. They can also be profit centers in and of themselves, like they are for this guy (click on “Recent Success Stories”).

To Build Your Career

Nothing establishes expertise faster than having your name in print, whether it be on an article, a “how to” report, a videotaped demonstration, or an audio recording. The first time I stumbled across the powerful technique, I garnered a promotion and an “Employee of the Year” award.

By cwexpo

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