Service Product

It doesn’t have to be a coin or token it can be a service or product also.  Let me explain how I come up with my opinions, I ask inner circle friends and people in the know what they think and then I put everything I find out along with my own research into the mix before I write a review. If you didn’t notice I do not take ads on this site because I don’t want to take money from an ICO, Service, Software, Crypto Casino or Sportsbook or Hardware company to run an ad and then give a good or negative review, it would taint my opinion in the reader’s minds.

This site and the knowledge I share with you on is free. Since I don’t run ads I rely on readers who ask for reviews, people who have taken my advice and made money, and readers who enjoy this site to donate to the site to keep it going. The bottom of the home page is an address to send Bitcoin and Ether.


If you want to donate coins other than Bitcoin or Ether contact me and I will give you an address to use. The best way I can describe investing in the right crypto is like buying technology stocks when they first came out, there are great ones, and you should have a professional opinion that cuts through all the bull and hype.

I will review new and existing coins and tokens on this site, give you opinions on coins that are about to go up or down and how much as well as post articles you may have seen, and give my opinion on what you should believe or not believe. I have given opinions that get some ICO people upset and please others.

My opinion about any coin and its future of ICO is my opinion, you can choose to listen and follow it or not. I will review sites to buy and store coins on as well as hard wallets. I personally started using a Ledger Nano S in 2018 but there are lots of other good and bad choices out there I will review

Being Money

There is a lot of money being made, some of it by investing in coins that will be around for years to come and have not even started to rise to their true value and others that are pump and dump coins that money can be made on, but you need to have an exit plan.

Then there are those coins in my opinion that are just junk and you will never see your money back out of them, this makes up 70 percent of them in my opinion. You can be the judge of me and my opinions. I remain anonymous because I don’t want people in the crypto space to not talk with me for fear I would write a negative post or give you a buy signal before their investors got in. Note that cryptocurrency trading is extremely risky, so trade with caution and only with the amount you can afford to lose. never looked at it twice.

By cwexpo

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